Digital study assistance systems are the topic of discussion at the 20th DINI Annual Conference

On 8 and 9 October, representatives of media centres, university libraries, centres for communication and information processing as well as interested researchers met in Osnabrück for the 20th DINI Annual Conference (Deutsche Initiative für Netzwerkinformation e. V.). The motto was: “1999-2019-2039: Innovative projects in research, teaching and infrastructure”. Among other things, the SIDDATA project was represented with a poster. A student contribution on the topic “digital companion” also dealt with digital assistants and was one of the winners of the student competition.

The DINI conference kicked off with a presentation, among others, by Prof. Kai-Uwe Kühnberger on standardization options for artificial intelligence systems (AI systems), especially in e-learning. Prof. Kühnberger discussed the prerequisites and approaches for future smart e-learning assistance systems.

In addition to the poster presentation of the joint project on the individualisation of studies by digital, data-supported assistants, there was an independent student contribution to this current field of research. Nordine Valentin Hupfer’s contribution presented his vision of a digital assistant system for his own educational path and was successful in the DINI competition on the subject of digital learning spaces.

DINI 2019 thus offered a good opportunity to discuss the potential and conditions for success of digital assistance systems for students with people from the various fields of higher education and to present the project.

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